Many of you may have noticed a couple things:

1)  I haven’t posted anything for a few weeks now

2)  We have not restarted Consulting Services

Why?  What happened?  How does this change things?

Here it is:

In November there was an “anonymous” letter sent to both the Medical Board and the Pharmacy Board for the state of Missouri from “a concerned citizen”.  That prompted the Pharmacy Board to file a request for a Basic Package using an alias and a money order.  Complete with all the required information, along with a fake wife, diseases, etc.  After that order was filled, the Pharmacy Board forwarded on a more formal request to the Medical Board for them to send out some  investigators.  We answered all their questions, provided them with the requested information, and off they went.    We asked many times if we should stop doing what we have been doing for months, and if there was any change in the law since we started.  The investigators  cannot give us any advice or information, so we did some investigation for ourselves.  Turns out, Missouri changed their regulations AFTER we started the site and now this type of activity is allowed only IN PERSON.  Actually, we don’t really know that either, because the regulations are still extremely vague and don’t apply to emergency and disaster preparedness at all.  So, in order to comply completely with the law and stay out of trouble with the MO Board, we are not filling any orders made with mail, email, or telephone requests.  We can continue to see people in person and consult with them about disaster preparedness at this time.

So, what does this all mean?  There are a few points that I would like to make, but in addition the long version of the story is this:  We are not sure how my little Christian clinic here in Branson will continue in the form it has.  We are not and will not be dependent on the government to exist, and without our prepping friends and their support, we really doubt that we can keep it going for very long.  Such is the state of medicine. Survivinghealthy will continue, although we are pursuing a shift to medical packages for disaster preparedness and hope that people will be interested and buy them.  We will continue to provide free information, answer emails and keep the site current.  I have a new book contract with Ulysses Press, and that will take some of my new “free time” and will hopefully benefit many in the future when it comes out early next year.  I am blessed, I do have a job (and then some!), so there will be food on the table and I will not lose my house.  Am I frustrated and angry?  Oh yeah!  Some of the points that I really want to make clear:

1)  When Survivinghealthy started, there were no regulations in the state of Missouri prohibiting or infringing on our services.

2)  The law (regulations) changed WITHOUT our knowledge or notification by the state.

3)  When we were made aware of these changes in our own search, we stopped providing any services that were in question.

4)  The State Medical Board of Missouri has been courteous and sympathetic in this process.

5)  We are voluntarily changing our site and services to comply with the law (regulations) and are in no legal or professional trouble.

6)  We love helping preppers and those concerned about pending disasters to be better prepared, and will continue to do so.

7)  Our site will become more open and visible, as we try to stay available to people by encouraging visits that comply with the MO regs.

8)  If we do continue to provide prescription services, people will need to come to Branson and visit us at Good Shepherd Family Clinic.

9)  Sometimes God’s bigger plan sure seems complicated, but we are doing what we can on the way down the path.

10)  We will continue to find out what we can and can’t do in our state and provide all legal services we are able to provide.

This has been a tough time for us in the sense that we have such a passion for helping people become prepared.  It is hard to accept that we are not going to be able to keep doing things as we have been. We struggle with what we are meant to be doing next.   We don’t have all the answers as to what is in the cards for Survivinghealthy.   Our desire to be an asset to the prepping community is still there and we will continue to try to help as many as we can to be ready for anything.  We will probably have a better idea of how that looks over the next couple of months.  We are so grateful to all of the people who have placed their trust in us, supported our efforts and who have lifted us up in prayer.   Know that your prayers have born fruit.  It is because we are so humbled by all of our supporters that we feel the need to share what has been going on here in our little world.

If you have submitted an order with a payment after our cut-off,  we will return your payment to you promptly.  Thanks so much, come back to the site for updates and new posts and, as always,  stay strong.